බැංකු පෝටලය
DFCC Aloka stands as a tailor-made financial solution crafted to empower women in realising their career aspirations, entrepreneurial dreams, and personal ambitions. It offers a plethora of exclusive benefits, such as a high-interest savings account, preferential interest rates on loan schemes, complimentary digital health solutions, and an array of additional privileges. With DFCC Aloka, women are equipped to thrive in their pursuits, fostering financial independence and prosperity.
DFCC ආලෝකා යනු කාන්තාවන්ගේ වෘත්තීය අභිලාෂයන්, ව්යවසායකත්ව සිහින සහ පුද්ගලික අභිලාෂයන් සාක්ෂාත් කර ගැනීම සඳහා ඔවුන් සවිබල ගැන්වීම සඳහා සකස් කරන මුල්ය විසඳුමක් ලෙසයි. එය ඉහළ පොලී ඉතුරුම් ගිණුමක්, ණය යෝජනා ක්රම සඳහා මනාප පොලී අනුපාත, අනුපූරක ඩිජිටල් සෞඛ්ය විසඳුම් සහ අමතර වරප්රසාද මාලාවක් වැනි සුවිශේෂී ප්රතිලාභ රාශියක් ලබා දෙයි. DFCC Aloka සමඟින්, මූල්ය ස්වාධීනත්වය සහ සමෘද්ධිය පෝෂණය කරමින් කාන්තාවන්ට ඔවුන්ගේ ලුහුබැඳීම්වල සමෘද්ධිමත් වීමට හැකි වේ.
Commercial bank
An average monthly salary of Rs. 75,000/- for the last 6 months should be received
through ComBank Paymaster salary package to be applicable for the Anagi instant
personal loan. Loan values are offered between Rs, 200,000 to Rs. 1Mn with a
repayment period of 12 to 60 months. This is a pre-approved loan facility with
minimum documentation
අනගි ක්ෂණික පුද්ගලික ණය සඳහා අදාළ වීමට, කොම්බෑන්ක් “Paymaster” වැටුප් ප්රේෂණ සේවාව හරහා පසුගිය මාස 06 තුළ සාමාන්ය මාසික වැටුප රු.75,000/- ක් එවා තිබීම අනිවාර්ය වේ. ආපසු ගෙවීමේ කාලය මාස 12 සිට මාස 60 දක්වා ඇති බැවින්, රු. 200,000 සිට රු. මිලියන 1ක් දක්වා ණය මුදල් ලබාගැනීමේ හැකියාව ඇත. පෙර අනුමත ණය පහසුකමක් බැවින්, සහ අවම ලියකියවිලි සහිත ණය පහසුකම ලබාගත හැක.
Commercial bank
Exclusively for female owned businesses for working capital & investment purposes.
Loans offered for amounts ranging from Rs. 2 Mn to Rs. 250 Mn with attractive
interest rates and flexible payment terms.
කාන්තාවන්ට හිමි ව්යාපාර සදහාම කාරක ප්රාග්ධනය සහ ආයෝජන අරමුණු සඳහා රුපියල් මිලියන 2 සිට රුපියල් මිලියන 250 දක්වා ණය මුදල්. ආකර්ශනීය පොලී අනුපාත සහ නම්යශීලී ගෙවීම් කාල සීමාවලින් යුතුවේ.
Commercial bank
Exclusive discounts throughout the year with the joining and first year annual fee
waived off; 50% cash back up to Rs. 1,000/- for the initial online/ POS machine
transaction and a Free Debit Card for all Anagi Credit Card holders who open Anagi
Savings Accounts
සම්බන්ධවීමේ සහ පළමු වසර වාර්ෂික ගාස්තු නැත. රු. 1000/- ක උපරිමයට යටත්ව පළමු POS/ ඔන්ලයින් ගනුදෙනුව සදහා 50% දක්වා මුදල් ආපසු ගැනීමේ හැකියාව සමග, වසර පුරා සුවිශේෂී වට්ටම්. Anagi ඉතුරුම් ගිණුම් විවෘත කරන සයලුම Anagi ක්රෙඩිට් කාඩ්පත් හිමියන් සඳහා නොමිලේ ඩෙබිට් කාඩ් පතක්.
Commercial bank
Savings account with a higher interest rate than a regular savings account with a
debit card with year-round discounts, special rates offered for personal loans, home
loans & leasing facilities.
සාමාන්ය ඉතුරුම් ගිණුම් වලට වඩා වැඩි පොලී අනුපාතයක් සමග වසර පුරා වට්ටම් ඇති ආකර්ශනීය “Debit Card” පතක් හා, පුද්ගලිකරණය, නිවාස ණය සහ ලීසිං පහසුකම් සදහා විශේෂ පොලී අනුපාත.
Hatton National Bank
HNB Gami Pubuduwa Loan scheme focuses on identifying local strengths and opportunities, developing financial proposals to support successful microentrepreneurs. HNB Gami Pubuduwa has become one of the most successful micro-finance programs by a commercial bank in Sri Lanka, recognized by the World Bank.
More details – 0112 661 315 (Chandi Hettiarachchi)
Hatton National Bank
We are committed to supporting self-employed individuals, specifically women entrepreneurs in their quest to improve their lives. We offer financing from small amounts up to LKR 10 million, catering to a diverse range of businesses, from traditional to modern ventures. Our mission is to provide financial support to any legal business endeavor with the potential to uplift lives, regardless of industry or sector. Whether it’s a cultural enterprise or a cutting-edge tech startup, we are here to help women entrepreneurs realize their dreams and positively impact their communities.
Hatton National Bank
In collaboration with HNB Assurance, we have introduced affordable micro insurance facilities for our micro finance customers. These plans feature low premiums and offerm maximum benefits, including:
• Micro Life insurance for loan facilities
• Critical illness insurance cover
This coverage is designed exclusively for HNB’s micro base clientele, including Micro Loan customers, Micro Lease customers, and any customer within the HNB Micro segment.
Hatton National Bank
Each year, we conduct over 100 financial literacy and entrepreneur development programs in partnership with the Central Bank of Sri Lanka and various government and private organizations. These initiatives aim to equip individuals with essential financial skills and the knowledge needed to succeed in entrepreneurship. Through these programs, we strive to foster economic empowerment and create a supportive ecosystem for small entrepreneurs across Sri Lanka.
Hatton National Bank
The Gami Pubuduwa Pola, held for five years at the BMICH premises, has become a crucial platform for entrepreneurs from across Sri Lanka. With over 125 participants gathering in Colombo to showcase their diverse products, this marketplace serves as a hub for commerce and fosters essential market linkages. It facilitates connections between sellers and buyers from different regions, expanding economic opportunities and contributing to the growth and development of businesses nationwide.
Hatton National Bank
Our microfinance officers provide advisory services that empower small business owners and entrepreneurs. These dedicated professionals not only offer loans but also advise, educate, and uplift their clients to ensure financial success. With a network of microfinance officers in nine regions across the country, this vital financial service reaches even the most remote corners of the island. A team of 175 microfinance officers is committed to empowering local communities through financial inclusion.
Hatton National Bank
SOLO by HNB is a QR payment application which enable businesses to accept cashless payments effortlessly. Unlocking success for businesses island wide, SOLO app powers seamless transactions and fuels growth across Sri Lanka. Join the thriving community of merchants to elevate your payment experience and drive your business forward.
Merchants Benefits:
• Accept payments via LANKAQR and Direct Pay.
• Availability of push payments, dynamic QR, merchant porta.
• Ability to integrate with your website.
• Receive your customer payments securely and instantly with a beneficial cost scheme.
More details – www.getsolo.lk or call 0114 523 523